Website Conditions of Use

Queensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics is a centre within the University of Queensland and is therefore governed by the policies of the University.

Copyright Notice

Unless otherwise indicated, copyright in the content of this website including the logo and its use is the property of the Queensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics. The site may also include content whose copyright belongs to third-parties and which has been lawfully included in this site by agreement or specific licence.

All content is protected by Australian copyright law and, by virtue of international treaties, equivalent copyright laws in other countries.

Users may for their own, non-commercial purposes view or make copies of material contained on the site, but content should not be systematically downloaded and/or stored in any form whatsoever, and under no circumstances should any content be reproduced and made separately available online.

Copyright enquiries relating to this site should be directed to:
Chief Executive Officer
Queensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics
Level 6, QBP
University of Queensland
St Lucia Q4072


Queensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics (QFAB) conforms to the privacy policies of the University of Queensland.

The University of Queensland complies with Australian and Queensland privacy laws and guidelines. The University of Queensland treats information collected by it as confidential. Information supplied by you will only be used for the administrative or educational purposes of the University or in accordance with a specific consent given by you.

The University of Queensland will not make available to a third party any personal information supplied by you unless required or permitted by law. This may also occur where you have consented to the disclosure. The University may distribute aggregated statistical information for statutory reporting purposes but only in a form that will not identify any person individually. More information about Privacy Management.


The content on this website is general in nature and might contain information that may have inaccuracies or is out of date.

Users should consult directly with the Chief Executive Officer of Queensland Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics to confirm the accuracy, completeness and currency of information found on the site, particularly before taking any step in reliance upon such information.

QFAB and the University of Queensland reserve the right to make changes to any material on the site at any time.

Web links from this site to external, non-University websites should not be construed as implying any relationship with and/or endorsement of the external site or its content by the University of Queensland, nor any commercial or other relationship with the owners of such site.