
Chief Investigators

Christopher Bouton (PFizer)
Kevin Burrage (IMB)
Jane Hunter (ITEE)
Mark A. Ragan (IMB)


Melissa J. Davis (IMB)
Victor Farutin (PFizer)
Fred Jerva (Pfizer)
Yuan-Fang Li (ITEE)
Andrew Newman (ITEE)
Michael Schaffer (Pfizer)
Muhammad Shoaib Sehgal (IMB)


Professor Kevin Burrage, IMB

Professor Burrage is a Federation Fellow of the Australian Research Council, Director of the Advanced Computational Modelling Centre at the University of Qld and founding CEO of the Queensland Parallel Supercomputing foundation. He has co-authored over 175 papers in Computational Science, computational and systems biology, mathematical modelling and complex systems. This oeuvre consists of work on the numerical solution of Ordinary Differential and Stochastic Differential Equations, biological modelling and simulation, parallel computing, visualisation and algorithms for linear systems. He was awarded the Federal Government Technology Productivity Gold Award in 1994 for work in visualisation of natural resource and high performance computing in drought modelling.


Professor Jane Hunter, ITEE

Jane Hunter is a Professorial Research Fellow at the School of ITEE and leader of the eResearch group at the University of Queensland. Jane is an internationally recognized expert in the application of semantic web technologies to the knowledge management and mining of large multimedia databases. Her research focus is on the development and application of semantic web tools to the management, integration, analysis and preservation of large mixed-media collections within the educational, cultural and scientific domains. She is currently a member of: the National eResearch Architecture Taskforce (NEAT); National CODATA Committee; and the Advisory Committee of the Open Archives Initiative for Object Exchange and Re-use (OAI-ORE). She is on the Editorial Boards of IEEE Multimedia, the Elsevier Journal of Web Semantics and the International Journal of Digital Curation. She has published over 70 peer-reviewed papers in the fields of digital libraries, knowledge management and information integration.


Professor Mark Ragan, IMB

Mark Ragan is founding head of the Division of Genomics and Computational Biology at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience of The University of Queensland, a Professor in UQ's School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, and Director of the Australian Research Council Centre in Bioinformatics. He co-chaired ISMB-2003 and was General Chair of APBC 2003, the first two international bioinformatics conferences held in Australasia. Mark is a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London and serves on six editorial board and seven management and advisory boards in molecular bioscience, informatics and e-research. Before coming to Australia in 2000 he was a Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, co-chief Investigator on the first Canadian whole genome-sequencing project, co-founder and host of the Canadian Bioinformatics Resource, and an active participant in Genome Canada and Genome Atlantic. He has more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, and research interests that include comparative, computational and evolutionary genomics, high-throughput bioinformatics, high-performance computing, and technologies for management and integration of large datasets.


Melissa J. Davis, IMB

Dr. Davis is a post-doctoral research officer with the ACB Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics, based at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience and the University of Queensland. Currently, Melissa is designing a semantic interactome model for the representation of biomolecular interaction data on the Semantic Web. Her research interests also include knowledge management and representation in systems biology and molecular genetics, and analysis of mechanisms for the regulated and pathological modulation of biological networks.

Yuan-Fang Li, ITEE

Yuan-Fang Li received his Bachelor of Computing with honours degree in 2002 and his PhD's degree in 2006, both from the National University of Singapore. His research interests include the Semantic Web, software engineering (formal methods & verification), feature modeling and semi-structured data modeling. Prior to joining School of ITEE, University of Queensland, he worked for National University of Singapore in research projects funded by the Singapore Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA) on developing, querying of and reasoning about Semantic Web ontologies in real-world domain. Currently he is developing software based on Semantic Web technologies to support the semantic querying of large-scale protein-protein interaction networks in the BioMANTA project.


Andrew Newman, ITEE

Andrew Newman is currently working for the University of Queensland's eResearch centre as a Senior Resource Officer and recently completed his Honours in Information Technology. He has previously worked on Kowari and continues to actively support the RDF API for Java, JRDF. His current interests include SPARQL, defeasible logic, agile databases using RDF, ontology development, and software development methodologies.


Muhammad Shoaib Sehgal, IMB

Shoaib earned his PhD in Computer Science from Monash University, Australia. His research interests include: Machine Learning, Statistical Inference and Computation Biology. Currently Shoaib is working as a Research Officer at ARC Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics, IMB UQ, Australia. He is developing novel knowledge discovery strategies to infer high-throughput and high-confidence bio-chemical networks by fusing various forms of data in Semantic Web paradigm. Prior joining IMB he worked for industry and was Lecturing at University of Engineering & Technology (UET), Lahore Pakistan. He is acting as a reviewer for various journals including Journal of Bioinformatics, Oxford University Press, BMC Bioinformatics, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, ELSEVIER, Neurocomputing, ELSEVIER, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence